Friday, 18 October 2013


This is a brand new polish of mine (post coming soon about where I got it). Now I know this is not really a traditional seasonal shade for autumn into winter but frankly my dear I don't give a damn. (...can you tell I'm excited that Gone With The Wind is coming back to cinemas?)

This is Topshop 'AWOL' and it's blue. Not a navy blue or a sky blue or even an aquamarines colour. It's just blue! 
It's the first Topshop nail polish I have worn and I'm impressed. I have lost my topcoat so had to go without and although it's looking a little less shiny than I'm used to I haven't been seeing chips appearing on any of my nails. I've decided I'll be wearing this well into winter, I'll be trying to out-blue the cold. 

Lorna xxx

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